Applying for a New CySEC License involves a whole process. But we take the headache away. In order to obtain a license from CySEC to operate as a CIF, a Cyprus company must be incorporated and an application package must be prepared and submitted for approval to CySEC. The documents that constitute the application package are fully prepared by us following a thorough due diligence and a strategic structural planning that will maximise results and simplify the assessment process into a smooth flow of events.
The License Application Package is the First Stage. The second Stage is the Activation of the License. Stage 1 is usually prepared and submitted to CySEC within 1-2 months, depending on the structure type. If the License Application is submitted under the normal process (i.e non “fast-track”), CySEC can take anywhere from 6 to 9 months to provide feedback although in practice it is usually less. If the application is made under “fast-track” CySEC will revert within 3 to 4 months which again in practice can be less.
We analyse, understand and listen to your needs.
Based on the needs, we plan the best and most effective strategy structure
Calculating the most affordable and elastic rate possible yet highly qualitative
Collection and Preparation of documents and information.
Submission of Application to CySEC
Communication with CySEC and Follow-up matters